Concerns about Sheffield Teaching Hospital CQC report

Published: Friday, 8th April 2022
Yesterday at our Self Advocacy meeting, Hillsborough Arena we talked about the CQC (Care Quality Commission) report for Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
We were all shocked that the overall rating of the services provided by the Trust has gone down to Requires Improvement. The worst rating (Inadequate) was given to the safety of the services. There are lots of very worrying findings in the report. These included:
Not enough staff to care for patients and keep them safe, staff not always providing good care or protecting patients' privacy and dignity not enough training about disability patients (especially those with learning disabilities, autism and/or mental health issues) not being properly supported to make informed decisions about their care and treatment staff not knowing about mental capacity or how to support people with learning disabilities to communicate.
We urge leaders to take immediate action to improve things for the lives of people with learning disabilities and Autism in this city.
Published by : Kathryn Littlewood