Foster Family

Foster Family

F, stands For Foster Family.

O, stands for other people loving you.

S, stands For support of people.

T, stands For the thoughtfulness of families.

E, stands for encouragement others give you.

R, stands for the relaxed atmosphere.

F, stands For Fun.

A, stands For acceptance of the Foster Family.

M, stands For the marvellous job that foster families do.

I, stands For the interest other people take in you.

L, stands for love the foster Family give you.

Y, stands for you are chosen.

So please be thankful For Foster Families who give children a second chance.

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Draygon’s Adventures ST David's Day  Haiku

Contact Information

If you would like to contact us, we would love to hear from you. You can contact us by phone, email, contact form or write a letter to us. Thank you.

Sheffield Voices
The Circle
33 Rockingham Lane
S1 4FW

Phone : 0114 253 6750

Contact Form

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